Death of a Heartless Flame oil on canvas
The Naked Lunch oil painting on canvas 10x8 ft
Women in Prison The Shower oil painting on canvas with model 10x8 ft
Women in Prison No Takling oil painting on canvas
Women in Prison The Chain oil painting on cardboard
Neon Jesus and Blue Boy Coming to America Oil painting on cardboard 3 panels triptych
Society ! Is this who we are ? oil painting on cardboard
Women in Prison The Shower Oil painting on Canvas 10x8 ft
Coming of the Magi oil on canvas 120x120 inches
2020? Vision or Year ? oil on canvas 36x48
December 29 1890 Landscape in Red red pigment on the ground 1890
Swimming for Gold with Sharks for Freedom the Immigrant story-oil on canvas 18x24
Russian Jackals on the beach ! the immigrant story oil on canvas 18x24
Yellow Dog Oil on canvas 48x68
Things go better with Coke 2017
and then 2018 big changes
The End of the Sexual Revolution and the beginning of the Millennial Malaise Lube on wood 18x24 price $more then u want to pay
Mothers Little Angels oil on canvas 50x55
X Ray Naked Sing the Radiation Blues at Midnite from Prison oil on canvas 48x60
Pillars of the Church on the Road to Hell oil on canvas 18x24
Landscape of disinterest 14x20 feet wall art