Xpose magazine cover 2020 BOMB SHELTER Art Gallery NYC
The Naked Lunch oil painting on Canvas 10x8 ft
Coming of the Magi oil on canvas and digital print 18x10ft
Women in prison The Shower oil painting on canvas 10x8 ft
Women in Prison No Takling oil painting on canvas
Society ! Is this who We are ? Oil painting
The Naked Lunch with Angels oil painting on canvas 4 panels 10x10 ft
BLUE SKIES are here Again 2020
Just Don't be Boring is the anti Establishment Art show for provocative artist run by artist for art that is not mainstream for artist to showcase their work contact Michael Moffett 321 522 2125 moffettart@gmail.com for more info
Mixed up Media installation 14'x16'x10' with live performance actors and sound it's not your grandfather's grand olde opera
Portable War Memorial visits New York
We Are Free oil painting
Vote For Change 2020 Poster
Clio Anti Art Fair New York City March 7-10 2019
Blue Skies are here Again 2020
Blue Skies are here Again 2020
No Loitering NYPD
Portable War Memorial the Viewer Lifesize
Portable War Memorial detail of The Viewer
Rat with 2 much Power
All God's Children need protection NOW ! Artist against the establishment
Sanford Herald by Jessica Pirani
Sarasota Herald Tribune by Billy Cox
The Oberserver Winter Park / Maitland
Brevard News by Maria Sonnenberg
Beachside Resident Nov 2018 Art Issue
Home of the Brave ! God Bless America
The Altar bronze on plexiglass winner Walt Disney Worlds Festival of the Masters
Disney also purchased a sculpture for their permanent collection
EXPOSE magazine MOFFETT Art better then Gold
Portable War Memorial - detail from sculpture
Life size sculptures in resin and silicone see youtube video above
Photo Taken by the artist Michael Moffett in Danang Vietnam 1969
Mama's Boy Sculpture Life size from Multi piece Sculpture Till Death Due us Part
Rat with 2 much power - bronze and atomic Bombs welcome to 2017
Chaos Candidate - Mixed Up Media Sculpture
PILLARS of the Church on the Road to Hell oil on canvas 18x24
Fountainhead the Worlds most Notoriously infamous Bronze Drinking fountain

Screwed Together 120x72x20
SENTINEL Armed Mechanical Robot with a Negative Attitude 84"
OUTCAST lifesize sculpture 60x60x92
THE WARD - ink and charcoal 24x36
Rats don't like #2 sculpture by Michael Moffett in support of Charlie Hebdo Paris 1/7/2015 as seen in Sculpture magazine
Landscape of disinterest 14 x 20 feet wall art
" MOFFETT'S ART at WAR " art and photos by Michael Moffett The book available soon 2018